About Brereton Million

Brereton Million is an exciting opportunity for residents in Brereton to use at least £1,000,000 to make a massive and lasting positive difference to our community.
It’s about bringing together all our local talent, ambitions, skills and energy from individuals, groups and organisations who want to make our area an even better place to live.
Our Partnership
Our Partnership consists of local residents who are volunteering to make sure the money is spent to benefit the places, projects and people of Brereton, which have been voted for by residents. We currently have 7 out a possible 12 Trustees. If you would like to know more information about the role or feel you would be able to support the current team then please get in touch
Jack Burkinshaw - Chairperson for Brereton Big Local CIO and Brereton Million Partnership.
After moving to Brereton and Ravenhill a neighbour invited me to attend a champion meeting for a new charity initiative which led to my volunteering with Brereton Million in 2013. Prior to this I had already been volunteering with amateur dramatic societies including Lichfield Youth Theatre and volunteered for St John’s ambulance and Birmingham Children’s hospital. I am also the Parish Councillor for Kings Bromley and vice Chair of the planning committee. .

Peter Fahy - Vice Chairperson for Brereton Big Local CIO and Brereton Million Partnership
I am a trustee on the board responsible for our staff and fundraising. I got involved during the pandemic and just love working with people who understand the local area and its people and want to roll up their sleeves and do something rather than just complain. I am passionate that local people with all their life experience and local knowledge are best able to solve local problems.
Christine Stewart - Treasurer for Brereton Big Local CIO and Brereton Million Partnership.
I have been a huge part of Brereton Million for over 10 years and love being involved with the community. After many years of being the treasurer of Brereton Million I have now handed the role over and have been setting up Brereton Million's new venture, the Community Shop.

Maria Smith - Trustee and Health and Safety Coordinator for Brereton Big Local CIO and Brereton Million Partnership.
I have lived in Brereton all my life and I am proud to be part of the Brereton Million team. I am a Trustee and I support anything I can help with, which includes health and safety, administration and team building, as well as events and consultations.
Sam Rushton - Trustee for Brereton Big Local CIO and Brereton Million Partnership.
I have lived in Brereton for 14 years and began my volunteering journey during the COVID-19 pandemic. I am passionate about supporting our residents' needs in many different areas, particularly, assisting Brereton Million initiatives such as the Craft Buddies, advice services and the community shop.

Kevin Mann - Trustee for Brereton Big Local CIO and Brereton Million Partnership.
I have been involved with Brereton Million for the last few years as a Trustee and recently stepped into the role of Treasurer. I'm exceptionally passionate about our community and ensuring the best for all our residents. I have a creative side, especially involving woodwork and am extremely organised, skills that I hope will benefit Brereton Million's passion for our community.
Mat Walker - Trustee for Bereton Big Local CIO and Brereton Million Partnership.
I have been part of Brereton Million from the very beginning, and have taken on various roles during that time including Chair and Vice Chairperson. I loved being part of the huge renovation of Brereton and Ravenhill Park and seeing the difference it has made to our community.

Community Development Worker
Sue is Brereton Million's Community Development Worker.
She was asked to become Brereton Million's Community Development Worker because of her work within the community. As well as being a Brownie Leader, Sue also is a member of BRACE, helps at Brereton Town Football Club, and helped set up the Brereton Santa Tour with other Brereton residents.
Sue's role originally was to help Brereton Million get the £1million by going out into the community asking residents where they would like to spend the money, and help write the plan which was sent to Big Local.
Once this was passed, the Partnership felt Sue's input was valuable and has continued to be employed to support all the projects; to help coordinate volunteers into finding where there skills are suited best; to help organise events and continue consultations with residents and community groups.
Sue's team -
Emily is the Brereton Million Volunteer Co-Ordinator
Debbie is the Brereton Million Admin Officer
Sabrina is the Brereton Community Hub Caretaker

Sue at the Brereton Million Winter Wonderland
A Locally Trusted Organisation is the organisation chosen by your Big Local partnership to administer and account for the distribution of your funding, and/or deliver activities or services on behalf of the Big Local partnership.
As a minimum a locally trusted organisation must be able to:
receive and administer funding on behalf of the Big Local partnership, and in line with the Big Local plan and funding agreement
report on the use of funding to you and to Big Local
provide grant and partnership administration support
have a good working relationship with you and Big Local, and with the Big Local rep
pass our due diligence checks which includes being suitably experienced, constituted and able to keep accurate financial records of how the money is being spent
agree and sign our funding agreement.​
What happens next?
We have consulted our residents and they do not want to see Brereton Million end at the final date of the Local Trust programme. We are extremely happy as a group to carry on and have now turned our CIC (Community Interest Company) into a Charity (CIO) which gives us a better status and helps us with long term funding opportunities to help us to continue.